n. The strength, or force, gained by motion, or by a series of events (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
You’re recognizing that there’s many things you COULD do, but you’re puzzling with what you WILL do. You only have so much time and energy available to use, so it makes sense that these are invested where they can have the most effect for you, to help you achieve both what you desire – and deserve – most in your personal and professional life. And this is why gaining and maintaining momentum in your life is so important.
Focusing time and energy to yield the greatest effect upon the results you are getting in your life could include making sense of the complexity of situations and choices you face, or the multiple competing demands on your time and effort placed not only by you, but also by others. Getting clarity, understanding breadth of your options and focusing your effort and energy on prioritized concerns are key here.
The great thing though is that you’re not being driven so much by a crisis that’s rearing its head right now, but by an inner desire, or need, to get what you truly desire and deserve for your life. Clearly you have the impetus to move forward with your personal and professional life (and possibly still with some urgency), but you also want the opportunity to evaluate situations from a broader perspective, to take stock and generate options, before then directing your time and effort on those selected few activities that you establish matter most to you and will make the biggest difference to your desired future.
If the flavour of what is given here resonates with you, and you are looking at your life with a horizon of getting sharper clarity, focused goals and prioritized action over the next several months, then my ‘Momentum’ coaching package is likely to be the right one for you.
Do make contact with me today and we can discuss how my coaching would be a highly powerful strategy in gaining clarity, generating choices and making decisions in this increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world we all find ourselves living in today?
About the coaching approach adopted by me
My role as coach will be to facilitate the coaching process, ensuring that you are given the space to air and explore your thoughts on the issues and the topics you have chosen to bring to the sessions. I will help you gain clarity on your situation, gaining new perspectives on it. From this, goals for both the session and the specific topic brought to the session will be established. Further, I will help you generate a choice set, which ensures that you are not seeking to decide from a limited pool of ideas, or narrow thinking. In doing these things I will help you understand your current situation from a vantage point that promotes insights and new learning for you. With these in mind, you will be invited to make choices and generate a plan of action, in so far as it makes sense to you to do so at that time.
Throughout the sessions, I will pay attention to the psychological contract that is present between us, ensuring rapport is appropriately managed for a safe and expansive space to be maintained. At times I will voice opportunities to make shifts in what we are contracting to have available to you, ensuring you can make decisions for best effect for yourself. At times this might touch upon mentoring, or consulting, but only where that is desired by you. You will always be the one deciding where we go in each coaching session.
What makes me the best coach for you at this time?
My joy of coaching comes from every session being different and therefore unique. Whilst your presenting ‘situation’ might sound familiar to me from previous coaching engagements, my extensive coach training has me focus on the uniqueness of the situation from your perspective. In this way, I avoid coming with preconceived notions of what the outcome of the session will be, irrespective of the topic and how it resonates with me.
Having said this, my extensive coach training, experience in working in organisations, managing others, and my own life experiences, enable me to consider and articulate suitable coaching approaches in our sessions together. Through this I will help you gain advantageous new perspectives on your situation which will promote both insights and learning for you. Further, through the attention I give to how we are ‘contracting’ as the session progresses, I can access the breadth and depth of my own knowledge and skills to best serve you, where you find this helpful.
From past experience, I am sure that the value you glean from my ‘Momentum’ coaching package will be so great that you will not only want to renew the programme but also progress to my 9-session ‘Continuity’ coaching package.
Case Studies involving my Momentum Coaching Programme
Steve is a senior manager with a large domestic organization based in Auckland and like many others in 2020 has struggled to make sense of the impact of Covid-19 on his current employment and his future ambitions. Initially, Steve had decided to embark on my Momentum Coaching Package with a view to returning to self-employment. This was pre-Covid-19. When Covid-19 struck, we discussed postponing, or even cancelling, the programme. However, Steve became more convinced that progressing with the coaching programme at this time was absolutely the RIGHT thing to do – he likened it to being thrown a life preserver when you’ve fallen into water. He had though become less convinced that his future was in self-employment, given what he saw as more uncertain times and here arose the paradox we grappled with during the Momentum Coaching Package – Steve’s current role became increasingly insecure and, at the same time, conditions didn’t seem right for starting the business he intended. The six coaching sessions from the programme helped Steve get clarity about what he was valuing most when he considered his future. Whilst the external uncertainties of the time fed narrow thinking of doom and gloom, the coaching helped generate a rich choice set for him around his future options. With these combined, Steve created a road map with clear decision points and contingencies. The coaching programme has been renewed and elevated to my Continuity Coaching Package helping Steve to achieve greater clarity and certainty.
Sarah is a highly skilled and qualified subject matter expert for a national public sector employer. Her interest in my Momentum Coaching Package came from issues she was having in the workplace towards the end of 2019. She was having conflict with her line manager and whilst she loved her role and employer, she was becoming increasingly disillusioned with staying in the situation. Temporary relief had been gained though a successful grievance claim, but this had not left good feeling, nor really altered the situation with her line manager. Through the coaching programme, we were able to establish that Sarah’s style of communicating was exacerbating the situation in relation to how she was relating with her line manager. Through this realization and subsequent changes to it, improvements were made and this precipitated a broader reach into reflective evaluation by Sarah. Most significant for Sarah was a re-establishment of good faith with her employer (particularly skip level managers) and an improved working relationship with her direct manager. Her manager moved on by the end of the programme and Sarah has been encouraged to apply for the role.